Simple 3-day Meal Plan

Simple 3-day Meal Plan

Why only 3 days? Because while you’re already in the kitchen cooking an easy way to save time is to simply double the recipe. This gives you a second meal ready to go for another day. A 3-day meal plan means less time buying groceries, less time cooking, less time cleaning. When you double the recipes it turns into a 6-day meal plan with little additional work. That last day of the week can be the day you finish up the leftovers, make something else your craving, or go out to your favorite restaurant.

To make things even easier, pick one (or two) breakfast recipes to prepare for the whole week. You can always switch every other week to keep from getting bored. Now you’re spending just 30 minutes or less cooking breakfast for the entire week! Maybe you choose 2 or 3 lunch/dinner recipes and you make those throughout the week. You’re only cooking 3 or 4 meals a week but still reaping the benefits of healthy homemade meals every day. Figure out what works for you and keep it simple, keep it easy, and keep it real.

Choose which recipes you want to make, check to see which ingredients you already have, and grab the rest! You got this.

  Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack Dessert 
Day 1


Easy Steel Cut Oatmeal (with Dates, Cinnamon, and Pears)

Creamy Chipotle Taco Salad

Chili-Hummus Baked Potato with Simple Steamed Kale 1 pieces of fruit and water fresh fruit dipped in Peanut Butter Date Caramel
Day 2 Jason’s Triple Berry Oat Bowl

Avocado Cabbage Salad and Chili-Hummus Baked Potato 

Cashew Cream of Kale, refried black beans, and 1 tomato, sliced.

1 pieces of fruit and water

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Day 3

Apple Cinnamon Breakfast Grains

Mustard Tahini Kale Salad Bowl

Oat Burgers in The Perfect Sandwich

1 pieces of fruit and water  Dried unsweetened mango


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